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Saturday, August 24, 2024

Celebration 2024- Saturday

  Marie and I joined a long hike today. 9.5 miles from Brevort Lake Road to Worth Road.

We crossed the Brevort River.
brevort river

There was a piece of brand new trail that was literally built this week as one of the elective activities at the Celebration. You can see how raw the treadway is. But it won't take long for it to look natural.
new trail

It leads to a nice overlook of Brevort Lake which is quite large.
brevort lake

Best find of the hike was this large, dark leopard frog.
leopard frog

Diane was on a different hike because she does shorter ones, but she completed her 2024 Hike 100.
hike 100

Nice dinner, and games afterward for those who wanted to play. I needed to pack up books and see a few people, so we have headed back to the campground.

Miles hiked so far in 2024: 376.8. North Country Trail miles in 2024: 119.6

North Country Trail, UP of MI, Brevort Lake Road to Worth Rd, 9.5 miles

See Celebration 2024- Friday


Ann said...

That looks like a nice trail. So how long does it take to hike 9.5 miles?

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- with a group of that size... too long. About 5 hours