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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Celebration 2024- Thursday

 This morning, Marie, Diane and I went on the history hike through town. The tour guide (from the local historical society) had the greatest little gizmos. Everyone had an earpiece that plugged into a little box, and the guide just spoke naturally into a clip-on mic. We could all hear everything she said without struggling to stay within two feet of her.

The trail follows the Lake Huron shoreline on a boardwalk through town.
St Ignace boardwalk

This is a mural of the Wawatam, the primary ferry that crossed the Straits before the Mackinac Bridge was built.

We ended at the state park where one gets this view of the Mackinac Bridge.
mackinac bridge

The evening program was the annual awards ceremony. There are two kinds of awards. The National Park Service tracks volunteer hours and presents awards at various levels. This year Connie Julien (she helped me on my hike in the western UP) received the highest award, for 10,000 volunteer hours. I think she is only the 7th person to reach that level.
woman receiving award

Those of you who are local know that the Spirit of the Woods Chapter's own Pete Bennett is our very own energizer bunny, getting trail work organized and whipping our trail miles back into shape. He received Trail Maintainer of the Year!
man receiving award

Long, long day, but all good! Very good. Friends old and new.

Miles hiked so far in 2024: 365.8. NCT miles hiked in 2024 110.1

North Country Trail, St. Ignace, MI 3.8 miles

See Arrival in St. Ignace


Ellie said...

Congratulations to all the volunteers who put so much energy and hours into keeping the trail in such great shape. You are all amazing. Hopefully I will be able to hike at least few miles of the trail. Actually the section through St. Ignace is one of the few places I have walked on the trail.
I agree that the portable listening devices are great. We use them on almost all the Road Scholar trips that I have taken. They make it so much easier to hear what a guide is saying without being right next to the speake.

Ann said...

What a great idea that is for the tour. I have always had a hard time hearing things like that.
Congratulations to those who won awards.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "That is quite a bridge! Our Dada says he has never been to Mackinac Island but he used to have a couple of T-Shirts from there, because his Auntie went there and brought back swag for him!"

Sharkbytes said...

Ellie- hope you get to come sometime

Ann- Really super- this was the first time I've seen them except for a recorded guide once

Lulu- has Dada been over the bridge. It's 5 miles long. Quite spectacular