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Monday, August 5, 2024

Young Volunteers

 This morning, I went out to share a little bit about the North Country Trail with two crews of youth volunteers that were working on the Spirit of the Woods' section of trail. One crew came from Saginaw and is sponsored by the DNR. (they are bundled up against the mosquitoes!)
trail volunteers

These pictures are candid, but I haven't yet been sent the actual group shot. Most of the people you see in this picture are part of the Eco-Seeds group who have worked with us before.
trail volunteers

Put together, it was practically an army of young and willing hands and muscles!

Our big project this year was to build 184 feet of raised turnpike through a perched wetland that is always a muddy mess. These crews got it done in practically no time.
trail turnpike

I managed good activity until 3 pm. Then I crashed. So I guess my body insisted on 1 1/2 crash days even though I tried for one.

BONUS SECTION: I hate engines

The other accomplishment of the day is that I got someone over here to get the mower going. It just takes me too long to fool around with engines. So, he cleaned everything off, checked the oil (fine), checked the air filter (fine), added some "Seafoam" additive to the gas (which was new this year), got on it and... you know what happened. It started right up. Eye roll. But I'll take it! So I did mow one section of yard. The grass and weeds are at full height, of course, by this time of the summer. I went over it twice and it looks better than I expected. Still a lot to go, but I'll get it done. I did the part where the clothesline is first. I'll bet you can guess one of my upcoming tasks!
mowed lawn

Some people have suggested I get rid of the lawn and plant native plants. I'd never be able to keep that up. There is too much spotted knapweed, and the autumn olive saplings I keep having to dig out. In probably 2 years it would be a nightmare jungle of invasives. Mowing also helps keep the mosquitoes down a bit and suggests to the deer that they don't own every single square inch.

See Eco Seeds group August 2023
See Mowing last August


Ann said...

wow, they did a great job of building that raised turnpike. Looks like a nice size group you had there.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Our Dada is not a fan of mower engines either! The mower he has now is electric and plugs into the wall. I guess it works okay but he has to make sure not to run over the cord ..."

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- Pete does a great job of planning and prep. That makes the work go smoothly.

Lulu- Haha! I would need some serious extension cords to do this yard. Not to mention the power issue.