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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Festival Fun

 Today was very busy, which is good! But I could hardly leave my booth except for fast bathroom trips. I managed to catch a few pictures of the entertainment.

These guys have a cute act with a bunch of corny jokes which make you think they are rather inept, but it's part of the act and they really are good jugglers.

They even juggled flaming batons.

The "minstrel" was the same guy as last year, but he really does a great job of entertaining and involving the kids. I think perhaps some of the entertainers are regulars at the festival. Not saying that's a bad thing. He got almost all the kids on stage doing things with him and praising them for whatever they did. It was fun to watch.
man singing with kids

I did really well again, but it was a long day. (Two days in a row of 9-5 plus set up and close up.) Jean and I ate a quiet dinner at the beach. The weather was really nice today, and tomorrow is supposed to be ditto.
Lake Superior beach

We only go until 4 pm tomorrow. But then we have to break down and drive home. I'm selling out of several books. I'll have to place an order as soon as I get home! Bad internet service tonight, so I'll quit.

See Quit Clownin' Around


Ann said...

I bet both of those entertainers were fun to watch. SOunds like you had a great day.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Chaplin: "Ahhh, so that is one of those 'minstrels' that Dennis always used to talk about ..."

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- I really couldn't see much- the stage was out the back side of my tent and I had to step to the back corner to see things, but I managed a little

Chaplin- hmm, Dennis' definitions we sometimes exotic