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Friday, July 31, 2015

Lincoln Lake from Above

I shared pictures of Lincoln Lake just last week. Here's a picture I took that day that I didn't show you. The pointy hill is within the private community of Epworth. Because of my job taking pictures for insurance companies I get to go in there a few times a year.

You can see a couple of large houses high on that hill. The one everybody notices is the big yellow one, because it's so prominent, right out on the edge.

Lincoln Lake

Guess what? Today, I had to go take pictures of that very house. Can't show you that, but what it means is that I was up on that hill, with an open view of Lincoln Lake. Quite a different perspective, eh?

Lincoln Lake

I even found one place to stand where there weren't so many trees obstructing the view. Pretty nice. This is an observation point that very few people ever get to use. I value being able to see the lake from this angle.

Lincoln Lake

And the lesson for the day is... what you see depends upon where you are standing. The lake is what it is. But it's your own perspective that determines how you will define and describe it.

See Lincoln Lake
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vanilla said...

And at the end you explain exactly why two people having the same experience have widely varying memories of that experience.

Secondary Roads said...

A very profound lesson for today.

Ann said...

That is one beautiful view. I could get used to seeing that every day. Excellent lesson of the day. Nice way to put it.