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Sunday, August 22, 2021

My Trailer Redo - Days 136-140 - Beadboard Walls Again

  These walls are getting close to being finished. This is as good as they will get for this trip. They look nice, but they are not 100% properly done. This is the right side, which looked good last year, but now it's really close to actually done.

You may remember that I made a lot of cuts in the back of the masonite to try to curve this paneling around the corner. I couldn't get it to curve quite enough and it put a lot of strain on the screws to hold it to the braces. It actually pulled the fiberglass on one brace away from the trailer shell. Not gonna work. So, I cut it in sections to angle around the corner. This is working well, except...

The right side of the trailer shell is not symmetric with the left side. The right side is forced inward a little too far making it ridiculously hard to get around that corner. But I finally did it. What would be really good is a product that isn't made- a paneling seam cover strip that is a little wider than standard. paneling inside a fiberglass trailer

The remaining issue is where it meets the window at the back wall. I'm just going to have to build some kind of custom frame that brings the window casement out to be vertical. I also would like another product that is not made. The window knobs come in 1/2 and 1" shanks. I would like one that is even longer or some sort of extension piece because I have to bring the bottom of the window frame outward by almost 2". I'll also have to do some sort of custom fit moulding for where the vertical side walls hit the not-vertical middle back panel. That has to stay close to the shell because of the table mount. These will happen next round.

I also need to finish insulating behind them probably with fiberglass batting. There wasn't room to put the foam sheets in there in a lot of places.

How do you put a flat board on a curved surface? You make a lot of funky little framing pieces. oddly shaped piece of board oddly shaped piece of board

Then you glue them to the wall. I'm trying the regular Loctite on these because the tube was opened. If they don't hold then I can go to the premium-strength Loctite. I'm sure hoping that product works because it's SO much easier than fiberglassing every piece of board in place. Here's how those two little pieces fit on the left side. oddly shaped piece of board
framing for inside wall of fiberglass trailer

And the left side of the trailer. (Wires behind wall are encased in that plastic channel stuff.) This is definitely not done. The two pieces that go around the curve are not painted, and the one by the back window needs trimmed at an odd angle, but this is what it's going to be for this trip. paneling inside a fiberglass trailer

How am I doing? I'm behind my schedule by about 45 minutes. I wanted to have this done and the table back in by noon. Need to finish my lunch, so I'm calling it 45 minutes behind.

There will be extra blog posts today as I get these projects in order, and (after the packing and cleaning) then the 2021 tour of Sunny, although I might do that tomorrow.

See First Curved Wall Done