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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Riots of Spring

 One of the things the Philadelphia Flower Show does for everyone is bring an early springtime into the lives of us in the north who are tired of brown and gray and dirty white. These are all from various commercial displays. I'll only ID the plants themselves, although I don't know most of the varieties. Some exibitors label things better than others.

Tulips always say "spring."

Crown Imperial is a large frittelaria. I've tried to grow them a couple of times, but without success. They require excellent drainage.

This was a large swathe of pink hyacinth, giant grape hyacinth and wallflower. Stunning colors.

There was a ridiculous exhibit I'll show you more of later where AI imagined landscapes. They proposed that this was prairie. There's not a prairie plant in the bunch, but it's very colorful with pansies and purple tulips.

This is another sort of pansy, Viola x wittrockiana 'Delta Clear White,' with a weeping flowering tree.

And we'll come back to another display of tulips.

Imagine my surprise to discover that my rock garden had an offering to spring today. One lone crocus! I think there will be more later. I did move some bulbs around last fall.
yellow crocus

I worked in the morning, and then Om and I went to see Rule Breakers, the movie about the true story of the Afghanastan girls' robotics team. It was actually better than we expected.

I walked to the theater, 4 miles. I was planning to let Om pick me up when he passed me, but I did all four miles in an hour and ten minutes, so my pace is certainly acceptable.

Miles hiked in 2025: 54.4

See Three New Heucheras


Ann said...

What a nice selection of spring flowers. I really can't wait to see all of them blooming again. The hyacinth is one of my favorites.

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- I'm not real fond of hyacinth. I don't like the smell. But love bright colors!