If you've been wondering what project I was working on since I finished Loretta's Shawl, here it is. I'll give you a minute to search your memory banks.
Two of you may remember. Ivy chose the winning pattern. Ann submitted the winning pattern.
This is destined to be a baby afghan that looks like a teddy bear. This is what I have done so far, and it shouldn't be any problem to get it done before Ivy's baby arrives. However, there are two potential issues: It's going to be a lot smaller than I think a baby blanket should be. How long does it take packages to get to the Philippines?
Ivy- do you want me to figure out how to make it larger? It won't be big enough to wrap a baby in, but you could use it in a bassinet, and then later just as a "huggable." And, have you received the book yet? It was mailed on May 20. (honest injun!)
Larger or not, this will be done really soon. So what should I make next? Of course I could try to FINISH one of my many projects packed in boxes. Maybe I should do roulette, or make you all choose which one to work on. Haha.
See Winter and Winner for the source of this project |
Wish I knew what a baby afghan is. Sounds like a puppy. I suppose I will have to wait until it is finished.
oh yes, I remember that. Project roulette sounds interesting :) I should do that with all the unfinished projects I have
hi Sharkbytes! perhaps you can post it on your blog and let the readers vote on which project you'll be doing next. Hehehe!
John- you made me smile. It's just a knitted or crocheted blanket.
Ann- I wonder if that roulette would be like entertainment or the Russian kind?
hi Marco! I might do that. Of course, I'll have to get out the boxes.
Hi, Sharkbytes! It's looking good! It's okay by me if you go with the original pattern. I'm certain the baby will be able to use it no matter the size. :)
And no, I haven't received the book yet. It usually takes a month when I order books from Booksneeze; however, a friend sent me a package once and it took about 3 months to get here. I'm sure it will eventually reach me. I'll let you know when it does.
Thanks again! I'm excited to get both, but I don't mind the wait. :)
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