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Saturday, June 4, 2011

National Trails Day 2011

Today was National Trails Day. Groups all across the country celebrated with hikes, bike rides, paddling events, etc. Our trail club did a low-key "thing" at two of our major trailheads. We just had literature, free gorp, and a suggested short hike. Here we are chatting with one family who came by.

hikers asking questions

There was quite a bit of wildlife out, but I'm not sure why. It was one of the hottest, humidest days we've had yet this year. Ellen and I went early to do a little trail cleanup on a little-used connector which creates a loop of about a mile and a half. We sure found out that the mosquitoes were ready for a hike too.

When I first got there, two snapping turtles, each with about 10-inch shells were walking around. We heard a barred owl (in the middle of the day- very strange), and saw some bluegills and largemouth bass in the stream. Later in the afternoon there were fewer people there, and some other wildlife showed up.

Here's a little butterfly. He wasn't good at holding still, so this isn't a good picture. I'm also no lepidopterist, but it may be a Zabulon Skipper.

zabulon skipper

This is one of the most common American birds, and I'm sure most of you know it well. But here it is again... they really are everywhere... an American robin.


Finally, another way-too-common American mammal, but this one is a baby, so they are always cute. Yes, it's a whitetail deer, still with its baby spots.


The weather is supposed to be cooler tomorrow, and I will not be sorry at all. I didn't even unload the car when I got home- just grabbed a cold drink and parked- both the car and my butt!


betchai said...

beautiful picture of bird and deer. it's hard to be out with too many mosquitoes, but of course, they can not stop you from exploring outdoors I know.

RNSANE said...

I once read that yellow Listerine, in a spray bottle, is a good deterrant for mosquitos, when sprayed on the skin ( it can't be the other colors ). You should test it for me. I'll try it in India.

That deer is just adorable.

Ann said...

Low key is my kind of event.

Sandy said...

Sounds like a good day despite the heat. What do you typically use to keep the skits off you when you hike?

jeanlivingsimple said...

It is way to hot for me to on a hike. It is interesting but delightful that you sighted so many forms of wildlife. I enjoyed the pics.

The skeeters are really bad this year. Skin-so-soft is working.:(

Duxbury Ramblers said...

We are not keen on walking in hot weather, fortunately we don't get too many of those days.
We have not had too many horse flies or midges - Thank goodness :)

Ferd said...

Great event!
Nice pix!
I worked most of the day Saturday, so I'll have to make it up with other hikes this week! :-)

john bain said...

You must be a very quiet hiker to see so much wildlife. Love your photos.

Grandma's Goulash said...

Great photos. Beautiful catch of the fawn. At my home in Georgia, we saw a lot of deer through the windows on the back side of the house. They would often come out of the woods and onto our back lawn. Our neighborhood here in Tennessee is too populated for that and I really miss it.

Lin said...

I hear the mosquitoes are going to be bad this year with all the rain we've had. Bummer. I just got used to going outside and chilling in the evenings.

Sharkbytes said...

betchai- They don't usually bother me too much, but I did use some spray yesterday.

Carmen- I'll probably forget!

Ann- we did some big events earlier but we got really tired

Sandy- my favorite is Cutters Gel. Not sure if you can get it any more. I used a couple of other kinds yesterday, but they didn't seem to work as well and smelled terrible.

Jean- The hikes were really short- 1.5 miles

Carol- Horseflies are the worst- we had them where I grew up.

Ferd- I didn't get to do a lot of hiking, personally, but it was good to be out.

John- I got most of the pics after almost everyone has left.

Grandma- that fawn is already very people savvy- it knew we were there, but too far away to be a bother, and when a car pulled into the area it scooted back into the woods.

Lin- could be. I haven't noticed an unusual number yet, but who knows?