This morning we had more frost, but no fog. As the sun rose, everything was just glistening. Here's the same scene as yesterday, totally different today. I love having a space to view that changes so often!

Every ordinary lump was transformed into something special!

Under the mulberry tree, one of the entrances to my personal trail system beckons. As I stood on the deck taking pictures I realized that I could hear leaves falling from the mulberry, loosened by the cold temperatures. So I began to watch closely, and I could see them falling! I took a whole series of pictures, but didn't manage to catch any in mid-air!

Then I turned my view to the cemetery, which is about 700 feet to the east. With my telephoto lens I realized that I was seeing golden leaves fall, like flakes of precious metal, between the blazing trees. Can you see a few of them?
See Fog and Frost
See Trite but True
I love frosty mornings like this. I love the way the frost coats the top of grass. I even like that bite of cold in the air. And yes, I think I can see the falling leaves in your last picture.
Your photos looks so Beautiful.I like the frost on the ground, none here yet,temps are still in the lower forties.although it was 37 this morning, Still raining.
Looks like a lovely path.
I did see the falling gold leaves. They do look like specks of gold. Thinking need a rainbow and the pot:-)
Very nice pictures of a very special place.
Ratty- It was so cool when it was warming in the sun, yet the cold was just flowing off the frosted foliage.
Hi Auntie E- Frost can be just dull and boring, but sometimes, like today, magical!
Grampy- It's always great how light can make a rather ordinary place look very special!
So dreamy looking! Beautiful pictures of autumn..
What breathtakingly beautiful pictures of fall foliage and lakes - living in the San Franisco area, I miss all that though we certainly do have beautiful scenery here. It's been a few years since I've driven the four hours to Lake Tahoe and, seeing your photography has made me feel like heading north!
Lovely photos - it's always amazing to me how the same location transforms in beauty due to hours of the day and the weather of the day, let alone the seasonal changes!
Icy- "dreamy" - I like that description. It's sort of the state of my brain at this time of day too.
RNSANE- I've never been to Lake Tahoe- I understand that there is a trail that goes all the way around it.
DD- Yes, I love how the same place looks different all the time.
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