Rose, at What I Made Today, has been driving me crazy! She draws things- just sits down and doodles and does it on book pages (which gives me the willies), and sometimes colors the drawings, and always just does them in a flash, and makes me want to do it too, but the engineering side of my brain says, "NO, you have to do it RIGHT."
So today, Rose really, really made me crazy. She cut up her violet patchouli soap and then a leaf blew in and fell at her feet. A lovely leaf. Go there and you can see it too.
I had to draw it. I had to make myself draw it fast, because I only had this evening. I had to make myself draw it fast because I need to do that- to NOT agonize over every spot and tear. I made myself draw it with different "things," OK media.

This one is just pen- but the rule was that I couldn't lift the point from the paper.

I couldn't give in completely. I like pencil. I wanted to do a more realistic one. But I was sort of "good." I made myself do it fast.

I like crayons too. Yup... ordinary broken crayon stubs thrown together in an old Albolene can.

Finally... I tried to be crazy. Markers. Not so successful. But I tried.
Just blame it on Rose.
yay Joan...way to be crazy!!
Well, actually, Joan, I like every single one of them!
I wish I have even a tiny bit of your drawing talent. All drawings look really nice.
I can't draw a straight line with a ruler so you won't hear me laughing at ya.
Hooray! Good job. I don't draw very well but sometimes it is fun to sit down and doodle anyway. You did much better than I would have, yours look great. I even like the marker one, it has an artistic flair to it you have Cabin Fever? Just joking. Love the fun post!:-D)
Very creative!!
:D I LoVe it! I love them all and I love your boldness of just makin' it so! And I've got to say, they're all - even the "crazy" one - wonderful!
Hey everyone! You've all said very nice things, whether deserved or not. I had flashbacks to my high school art class where we drew the same still life over and over in every media you could think of for an entire semester. I came to hate that thing, but I bet I could still approximate the arrangement from memory. I actually "friended" that art teacher on Facebook last month. Too weird.
Maybe I'll do more with this down the road. Maybe not... that's life in the shark tank.
But thanks for your kind comments.
*applause* I love them all. Fantastic.
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