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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Not Mine, But...

My friend Irene has also been dogless for quite a while now. I shared when Pearl passed on in 2013. Then in 2015, Sandy Fe, the older of the two dogs died quietly. Pearl loved everyone. Sandy was more selective, but I was on her good list. Dogs mostly just like me.

Anyway. Irene is more than ready to welcome another canine into her life. One of these cuties is going to be hers in a few weeks. Here they are at four days old. Yup, another golden retriever.


And again today at nine days. (Colored spots on their puppy butts are nail polish to tell them apart.)


I'll get to meet whichever one it is this summer at the wiggly age of about 6 months.

(photos used with permission)

See Puppy Fix
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1 comment:

Ann Thompson said...

Aw. I can smell the puppy breath from here lol