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Saturday, September 2, 2017

And then Someone Said, "CRAFTS"

Subtitle: Loss of Focus, or a Requisite to a Fulfilling Life?

You may remember that I've been trying out some craft sales again this year, out at the Shagway Arts Barn. Got a check this past week. Did pretty good. Better than I expected, not good enough to justify doing this. About a third of the income was from book sales, and the rest was from crafts. Hey, I at least made back the money I spent on yarn.

Let me say that apparently my ability to pick things to make that people will actually buy is abysmal. I've been trying to sell craft items, off and on, my entire adult life, and I've never come up with anything yet that was a "hot seller." And it's not for lack of quality work.

Tomorrow, I'm going out there to volunteer for the afternoon. All the artists are supposed to volunteer time, and I'm way behind because of my work schedule and hikes. Nancy, the owner, knew ahead of time that I'd have a tough time getting my hours in, and she's OK with it. I've helped on a few critical days. And I may be able to get some more time in (other than tomorrow) before they close at the end of October.

Nancy is REALLY good at setting up the displays to be appealing, and getting people out to Shagway to look around. She says it's their best season yet. So, if I'm still not selling much, it's nobody's fault except my choice of items to make.

Anyway, she encouraged everyone to bring out autumn/fall items. She says they sell really well. My goal for today was to get two wreaths done. One down.

fall wreath

One in process which will have more muted colors.

fall wreath

It needs to be done by about 10 a.m. tomorrow. Think I'll make it? Right. Have I made good use of the time today? Right. Fooled around extensively trying out different ideas that I didn't like.

I think maybe this whole craft thing this summer has been a loss of focus on the goal of writing. See, I was just going to put books out there. Then Nancy said, "crafts sell well too," and my eyes popped out of my head and started spinning again, and I went, "CRAFTS?"

So, have I wasted yet more time this year? Maybe. I sure can't make enough with handmade items to make any serious money. It's better to concentrate on books. Do I NEED to have some time with yarn and "stuff" to create fun things? Maybe.

Could I make writing the priority, but still knit or crochet a few items to sell without (key phrase) going nuts and spending too much time on it? Maybe. Maybe not.

See Chilling and Crocheting
See First Shagway Vendor Event
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The Furry Gnome said...

So manychoices for spending your time!

Ann Thompson said...

It's not easy finding things that will sell well. I can have something that I won't sell a single one one year and the next year the same item sells out. Ive had things that went to several shows and didn't sell then all of a sudden they are a hot item.