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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

My Kind of Crazy

Ester and I are those two about whom people say, "What the heck are they up to now?"

This visit must come to an end, but with the next one already planned it's easier to say a temporary "so long." Jade likes to come too. Look at that smile!

friends and a dog

It was nice that Ester stayed through most of today, but I had to work in the morning. She came for a tour and liked seeing the machines. We had a few more hours, then I had to go to handbell practice and writers' group. That got her on the road at a good time so she was home before dark.

I know I've shown a lot of sunrise and sunset pictures lately, but today's sunrise was spectacular. (I watched it while hanging clothes on the line- are you impressed?)


Work in the morning. Since the last sleep was short I think I need to get to bed soon.

See Making Hay Despite the Sun
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Secondary Roads said...

That is a beautiful sunrise. I think I missed it--still asleep.

Ann said...

Oh that is a spectacular sunrise.

Adventurer Elaine said...

I lost the link with this browser & the crazy bookmark system (y) YEA. love this blog