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Sunday, September 3, 2017

An Afternoon at Shagway

Spent the afternoon at Shagway Arts Barn, being a volunteer. It's a pretty easy "job." Make a few sales and talk to customers when they are there, help with setup and cleanup a little. Other than that... you can mostly chill, work on projects, whatever. I took Michelle's socks and got a few more rows done.The person in this picture is the other volunteer who was also there. She's an artist, and she used some of the time to do a couple of small pastel drawings.

Shagway Arts Barn

Here she is just starting one.

artist at work

One of the things we did was help set up the collection of fall items. The display was nicely begun; we just added a few things and tweaked it a little. Pretty appealing, I think. The Barn will be open until the end of October, Thursday - Sunday, noon to 7 pm. (Shagway Road, Ludington)

autumn crafts

These log deer welcome you, but they would be happy to go home with you, too. These are cuter than many such deer because they have ears and tails. It gives them a lot of personality.

log deer

I stretched my legs on the short trails and caught this tree in a nice light.

tree in sun

There was some horsemint in a nice soft purple color. It varies from dusty pink to white to purple.


But the best part of the day for me was looking up from my knitting and discovering my friends Melody and Dennis standing there! It's been six years since I saw them! But there is some hope that we might get together this winter. Had to have a picture. The couple on the right is their daughter, Martha, and her husband, Austin.


All in all, a nice calm day.

See When Did This Happen? for the last time I saw Dennis and Melody
See Shagway Vendor Event
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Ann said...

I like those deer. The display of fall items looks good.

Sharkbytes said...

Thanks, Ann- you have a good eye, so if you like them, I know I'm on the right track.