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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Refrigerator and Friend Soup

 I made the soup. This was a lot of things from the refrigerator: onions, 1/2 a cabbage, hairy carrots, 2 yellow squash, a small eggplant. From Neva I added 6 tomatoes, some parsley, part of a red pepper, some green beans.

It's really good. And I have plenty for the next few days.

Today was the first bell choir practice of the season. I like the pieces we are starting to work on.

As often as I can make it happen, I try to walk before bells. The School Forest is right across the road so it's very convenient. A picture can't convey how nice this was today. The temperature and humidity were perfect. The use was light and it was quiet.
wooded trail

I also did a couple of errands in town in addition to working on required stuff in the morning. I may have made it to tired. I might go to bed soon.

Walked 2.7 miles, mostly in the School Forest.

Miles walked in 2024: 420.9

See Will Walk for Vegetables


Ann said...

The soup looks pretty tasty.

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- I'm really enjoying it

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "I like soup too! At least, I think I do ..."