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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Some Scottville Flowers

 I managed to do a few things I was supposed to today. And I walked to the Post Office.

Some of these pictures were taken last week, but they are all gardens in Scottville. Still nice color.

This is the Friendship Garden at the Scottville Library.
friendship garden

They also have hydrangeas in this dusky pink color.
dusky pink hydrangea

And speaking of dusty pink, this is in the Friendship Garden. I had to look it up. I think it's Smooth Oregano, Origanum laevigatum.
smooth oregano

This is a lovely annual garden set off nicely with the picket fence.

Well, well, still dealing in dusky pink. This is down the line in that annual garden. It's Celosia 'Terra Cotta.'
celosia terra cotta

Moving along to more formal arrangements, this is one of the planters on Main St. It's getting a little late for the petunias to look good, but the textures and shapes are nice.
scottville city planter

And this planter behind the Senior Center is very attractive too. I suspect it's pots set in that box, but that makes it easy care!
planter with chrysanthemums and vines

Finally, you've seen one of the West Shore Bank gardens in Ludington. Here's one of theirs in Scottville. Similar, but nicer with papyrus and sweet potato vine for more textures.
small semi-formal garden

Tomorrow, I have to severely wean myself off this pet project because I have other things I MUST do. Still haven't gone shopping! (just for one thing)

Miles walked in 2024: 445

See A Few Scottville Pictures

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