Yup, we finally got snow today. It probably won't last, but it's supposed to continue through tomorrow. The picture on the left is the apple tree outside my kitchen door at 3:30 this afternoon. All the pictures below were taken next, and the picture on the right is the same apple tree at 5:50 pm, just as it was getting dark.

So Maggie and I went for our walk despite the snow and my pulled muscle. It's better if I exercise it every so often. It's not too bad as long as I don't twist my hip. The picture looks out of focus, but look at Maggie. She's not blurry! It's just that the snow was coming down fast by then!

This is how the snow was beginning to gather on the small plant called Herb Robert. It's a rather ubiquitous little member of the geranium family.

Since this is the first snow, all of the fragile foliage is still upright, and I just like the way the wet snow catches on each leaf. All this grass will soon be beaten down and hidden under the heavy weight. Maybe even tomorrow!
Ellen and I are going out for our first monthly adventure tomorrow. I'll be sure to take the camera.
![]() | See Kayaking on Nov 21 for the last adventure with Ellen See First Snow and Last Hike for last year's first snow |
So pretty, I just love it when snow and ice collect on dry plants, branches and so on. You got more precip than we did down here....
Whoa, do live down here near us in the southwestern part of Missouri? I thought you lived up fairly near to Chuck in Michigan, but we just got our first snow yesterday. Furthermore, Maggie has her "I Ain't A Deer!!!" orange vest on, and gun season just ended here.
A first snowfall is always so lovely. Fortunately for us, we don't get snow in the San Francisco area - can you imagine us careening down the hills? What a disaster that would be!! Nice photos, shark!!!
Oh, what joy. We are expecting our this Saturday.although I don't know it was in the 60's yesterday:-0 I love that first snow.
Wow, I am feeling very cold right now. I need more clothing.
Woof! I'm looking forward to our first snowfall this weekend. Thanks for sharing your photos. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
we've already had our first snow of the year, it only lasted a day, but there will be plenty of it soon enough. I do love the way it looks I just wish it wasn't so darn cold.
Looks like a perfectly lovely day! I do often miss watching snow fall. Not having the clear the drive or live in it daily, but one day of it falling would be wonderful.
We're expecting snow tomorrow our self, it's pretty, but too much trouble to clear away for our dogs and the stupid sidewalks. Have a good one.
Oh no! You got snow! We didn't get very much over here on the east side yet. I didn't see any myself, but other people said they saw some flurries. Maggie looks like she's enjoying herself. My old dog used to get cold too fast when she was in the snow. It would freeze her feet and she'd have trouble walking only after a few minutes out there. Every time I took her out, I ended up carrying her back inside with ice on her claws.
Hi Karen- we got a lot less than some parts of the state! Grand Rapids had double-digit depth.
FishHawk- yup, Chuck is west of Ratty, and I'm west and north of Chuck. They actually got more snow a bit south of us. Maggie has 2 orange vests. This one is neoprene, and she's wearing it because it's warm, not because it's orange. Gun-deer season ended Dec 1.
Carmen- Wow, SF in snow does seem scary. I've been there!
Auntie E- I think a lot of places are getting some this weekend. I have a friend in Georgia who is expecting some too.
rainfield! That's good. I like it when my images can project a feeling. Do you even own a sweater?
Sugar- O, I'll bet you are. Every golden I've known just LOVES the snow.
Ann- I don't mind the cold, and I love the looks. So much better than gray and brown.
Vixen- Well, it takes a few months before I get really tired of cleaning it off things.
Jude- now, now, don't use the S word about my lovely snow! :-)
Ratty- The SW corner and the tip of the mitt got hit the worst. We can hardly count what we got here. Maggie is wearing her warm vest, and her feet don't seem to bother her for regular length walks.
Exciting!! Maggie in her vest is cute. I wonder if she stays warmer in it or is it just so you can see her when it snows?
They say we might get snowflakes next week but they never stick on the ground.
Julia- see answer to Maggie's vest in today's post. No snow? What do the kids play in for 4 months?
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