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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Truth about the Blog-posting Murderers Fest '12

All right, now that you've heard all the sugar-coated reports of the weekend blog picnic, it's time for the truth. Lin and Joe were worried right from the start. Joe was circumspectly checking Chuck for concealed weapons.

blog picnic

Oh! He had every reason to be wary...

blog picnic

David was already out of the picture, having been skewered on a fence post.

blog picnic

And JoAnn had to be handcuffed...

blog picnic

for perpetrating the wildly unrestrained tomato Macarena.

blog picnic

Lin begged for mercy.

blog picnic

But we were all judged equally guilty and quickly rounded up for mug shots.

blog picnic

So why are the murderers smiling? (We were bribed with eggplant and zucchini, homemade bread and jam.)

See Oops- or Not?
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Lin said...

This is GREAT! Sooo funny and creative, Shark! :)

vanilla said...

Oh, you are good. You win the prize for the most entertaining account of the BlogFest. Your photos would be impressive evidence in a court of law.

vanilla said...

Oh, you are good. You win the prize for the most entertaining account of the BlogFest. Your photos would be impressive evidence in a court of law.

Secondary Roads said...

It's unanimous Shark! You've won the prize for not only the most funny, creative and entertaining account of the weekend, you also win the grand prize for most accurately communicating the spirit of the gathering. Well done!

Ann said...

quite the entertaining account of the day.

Sharkbytes said...

Lin- you called it, I just had the evidence!

vanilla- I got the goods (which shows how evidence can be massaged)

chuck- we did have fun!

Ann- wish you could have been there.