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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Found Something Green

OK, so it isn't anything of any beauty. It's Motherwort, Leonurus cardiaca. It has a distinctive, unpleasant odor, nothing much of a flower, and seeds that stick to your clothes in fall. But the early leaves are bright and long lasting in spring bouquets. And it's something growing new and bright this year. I'll take it!


If you are into traditional medicines (I'm not) This has been used over the centuries as a cure for female urinary infections, and various complications of pregnancy. Thus, the common name.

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Anonymous said...

It's very pretty. Nice that it helps with urinary infections too.

Ann said...

After seeing so much white and brown any green is a welcome sight.

Duxbury Ramblers said...

I love traditional medicines - they remind me of my Gran and her garden, I was won over when I was 8 my pup had distemper and the vet had given him the thumbs down, Granddad wasn't going to spend money on my runt of the litter - Gran made me up a syrup for him and I nursed him and he pulled through, after that I was her gofer when she wanted plants further afield.

rainfield61 said...

Such a outstanding green color.

Secondary Roads said...

That certainly is an eye-catching green.