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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Warm Weather and Wildlife

Worked all morning and most of the afternoon between the two jobs, but then I had time to take a nice walk. Went 4.75 miles. Thought it was going to be 5, but the last loop I can tack on my road route is more like an extra quarter mile instead of a half. I'll have to walk around that loop twice.

It was 68 degrees with a light breeze and it felt SO good. The critters are loving the fresh greens brought about by the weekend rain and this sun. Not a lot of green yet, but enough. There were squirrels everywhere! Here's a common gray squirrel that held still for me. Squirrels always look worried.

gray squirrel

The best was three rabbits together on a lawn. I got decent pictures of two of them. This one is searching for just the right snack to satisfy the craving for spring greens.

cottontail rabbit

When he decided I was too close, of course he showed me his tail and left, which is why they are called cottontail rabbits.

cottontail rabbit

His playmate just sat quietly beneath a still-gray bush. I enhanced the contrast a little, but you can tell that it would be nearly invisible in this location.

cottontail rabbit

I also saw my first thirteen-lined ground squirrel of the year, but couldn't get a picture. I did get pictures of a lot of very colorful things that hold still nicely. Thought hard about which to feature, but today, the wildlife wins, even if it's very common.

See Fur, Feather, Spikes and Storms
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Lin said...

Isn't it nice to see all the animals so active and hopping about? We have a rabbit in the 'hood....and I think Hobbes has noticed it too. He just likes to look at it....but I still don't trust him.

Secondary Roads said...

I enjoy these walks with you. Interesting discoveries appear each time.

Ann Thompson said...

I like seeing common wildlife. We had a really nice day here on Monday and since then it's been a bit cooler and rain here and there

Karen and Gerard said...

I always enjoy seeing your wildlife pictures. You got really good shots here of the squirrel and rabbit.