I wish these pictures were better, but I'm amazed I caught what I did. I'm pretty sure these are a Northern Harrier, which used to be called the Marsh Hawk. Anyway, if so, it's Circus hudsonius.

I walked down to the river on Friday. Not much happening yet. On the way back I noticed a large bird flying low over an open field. I was on the edge, and had no idea what it was at that distance, but thought I'd try to catch it in the camera and maybe I could figure it out later.

It dropped down nearly to the ground and actually hovered for a moment. That's when I got the best picture.

Want to see that closer? Could be better, but it's not terrible.

A drop into the grass and then... Dinnertime!
Then s/he took off with cargo on board.

Even after I looked in my books, I was stumped for a while on the ID. I'm pretty familiar with seeing this hawk from below, soaring, but I've never seen it come in for a catch. I also think this one is immature- maybe last year's egg. That would account for the "cinnamon" belly.
Here are my reasons for saying Northern Harrier. 1- a conspicuous white rump. 2- the disk around the face that makes it almost look like an owl. 3- the white bars around the eyes.
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Great close encounter with your feathered friend
Cool capture. I had no idea they could hover.
Before I started reading, when I was looking at that first picture I thought it was an owl
I would still be fumbling for the camera, and you are apologizing? Great stuff!
Super! I watched "our" red-tail hawk do an [almost] similar move the other day. No camera at hand. No need to apologize for those fine shots.
WOW! That is quite the action shot!
Good job, Joan. I never can seem to capture birds in flight!
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