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Monday, October 3, 2016

Caught Both Wood Ducks!

These pictures won't win any awards, but if I had a longer lens the duckweed on the pond makes a nice backdrop to show off the ducks. As it is, I have to go out on digital zoom to catch ducks on this pond, and it reduces the quality a lot.

Here's a pair of wood ducks. There were actually three pairs all together.

wood duck

This is the first I've been able to catch a picture of a male. You can't really see his slicked-back crest, but the throat patch and bill are correct with the long square tail, so I'm sure that's what it is.

wood duck

Here's the Mrs. This picture isn't too bad.

wood duck

I really want to go back in the woods behind the pond and sit quietly. I'll be much closer then, and might be lucky enough to get some good pictures.

See Wood Duck Babies
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1 comment:

Secondary Roads said...

The last pic is particularly good. The others are okay and work for me. It is good to see scenes like this.