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Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Next Adventure Begins

Ester, Jade and me in her house sized tent. In Ohio. Stay tuned.

camping in tent

We have now survived three tests of a relationship in two trips- first trip we set up a brand new tent in the rain and did not kill each other.

Tonight we set up the tent in the dark.

True friendship is grand!

See It's Ohio Again
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The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow that is wun big tent!!! that is like a harry potter and the dethly hollows size tent!!! and it is kompleet with a dog so wot else cud yoo want??? ok bye

Ann said...

That is a good sign being able to do those things with no casualties...lol

Secondary Roads said...

In some situations, true friendship is a necessity. Or at least a big help. :)

Lin said...

We bought a new REI tent this year and it went up so easily, there was no time for the the argument. I almost felt bad about it. What is it about setting up a tent that just breeds discourse?

Glad you escaped it and just enjoyed your trip.