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Thursday, October 13, 2016

More Than the Stem of Wingstem

Remember the plants with the funky winged stems from the June hike? See Plant Mysteries Solved.

Caught the flowers on this hike. I love it when I get a handle on both the vegetative and flowering parts of a plant. The seedheads, seeds, and early leaves are also parts of the puzzle. It's like needing to know five different plants for every one.

The wingstem blooms late summer into fall. It's the bank of yellow in the foreground.


The flowers are a little odd since the ray petals look kind of messy and the disk in the middle is described in both my favorite books as "mop-like." In case the winged stems wasn't a giveaway to the ID, the reflexed petals are also a clue.


I'm still tired tonight. When you stop hiking your body says "what the heck?" and asks for extra sleep.

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1 comment:

Ann said...

Hope you get some rest