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Friday, October 28, 2016

Puppy Fix!

It was a party day at work today, and the boss brought in her two 7-week-old sister (mostly)-chocolate lab puppies. I was SO overdue for a puppy fix!


This one is Athena. I think she'll be the Alpha dog.

The smaller and lighter one is Venus. She's going to be the slightly timid sweetie.


Work has been challenging this week... lots of mechanical issues requiring extra human effort to get the job done. Seven hours today and I'm headed back for 7-8 more in a little while. Sleep tomorrow!

See A previous puppy fix
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Ann said...

Oh how cute they are. I had chocolate labs a long time ago. Both lived to be about 13.

Secondary Roads said...

Happiness is a warm puppy. Okay, I prefer a cuddly kitty.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay puppies!!! i bet yoo cud heer dada skweeeing abowt them!!! ok bye