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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Hunting for Little Gems

Went out with the goal of finding some small beauties and came home with these.

A tiny perfect mushroom. It almost looks as if it's made of frosting and just planted there in the pine needles. (Don't sample, though. I'm pretty sure it's the poisonous Yellow Patches.)

yellow patches button

One Norway Maple leaf trying to look colorful and include all the shades of fall, all by itself.

Norway Maple leaf

In other news, yes, I'm going on a short backpack. Only two days- but I still have to have all the right stuff. I'm madly checking gear and getting my food ready. Today I walked about 3/4 mile with 37 pounds packed badly. I just threw some stuff in the pack to give me weight. It wasn't good. I could probably do the hike with that, but would come back very sore. I'm hoping to only carry about 30 and I think I can pare things down to that, but I have to be prepared for nights in the high 30s, so that will add a couple of pounds.

So excited when it all fell together last night that I couldn't get to sleep!

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Secondary Roads said...

Nice autumnal colors. Have fun on your back-pack hike.

Ann said...

The mushroom almost looks like it's fake. I like the leaf with all the colors.
Enjoy the hike. I don't think I could handle carrying that much weight on me