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Sunday, October 9, 2016

Random Images- 15 Miles

This hike feels easier than the last one I did in August. I think that's because the temperatures are better for me. High 60s and into the low 70s in the afternoon. Ester dropped me off in the morning. We didn't even worry about getting out early because we didn't need to beat the heat. In fact, it was chilly enough that it was nice to wake up slowly and cozy. We are in a small private campground. I like giving my money to some person who probably needs it. Our site is near the entrance, but quite private. Near the highway, so a little noisy, but I slept like a log anyway.

This trip is all roadwalk, so I look for the interesting things in different ways.

First, I have the proof that I was there- my shadow in Slate Creek.

hiker shadow

The first couple of miles were on an old military route built for the War of 1812. It wiggles on an angle between the roads all laid out in neat squares by the surveyors.

historical marker

I sure liked this old house. It needs some love, but it would still be salvageable if it doesn't sit too much longer.

old house

This llama thought I was pretty interesting.


I took my last rest stop of the day in this cemetery, established 1836. The oldest stone I could find had a death date of 1843. This one, for a baby, is from 1851.

old cemetery

Ester picked me up at my end location for the day, and we came back to camp. She brought pulled pork from home which we heated up for dinner, augmented with a salad. A cup of tea was a good ending on a cool day.

So far so good!

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Ann said...

The cooler temperatures make for a nicer walk. I like that house too. Love the big front porch on it

Secondary Roads said...

Llamas are very curious folk. We like the neighbor's gal. Her name is Grace.