Today, I also started the Mesabi Trail. This is a paved multi-use trail that runs up the back side of the Minnesota Arrowhead along the Minnesota iron range. This area was heavily mined for decades. Now, restoration is being done, but you can still see many hills of tailings that don't support much vegetation. The mine pits have mostly become lakes. It has a unique sort of beauty. The trail is not boring because it is neither straight nor flat. There are quite a few interpretive signs, and it runs through many small towns.

This is the Prairie River. It joins the Mississippi not far south of here. Just north, iron ore was discovered in 1866.

The bridge railings are simple 2x4s, but they become art when the sun shines on them.

This may be my favorite classic vehicle find ever, but the greenery is sure overtaking it.

Here is is in 2009. Much more visible back then. It's a Diamond Reo. Since there are several other Diamond Reo trucks parked there, I would assume that particular mine had a contract for those vehicles. I thought the company was long defunct, but apparently they were still manufacturing some trucks until 2010. This truck is obviously older. I would love to duplicate this as a model truck when I get back to model railroading some time when I get old.

The plant of the day is a mountain ash tree loaded with berries. Nothing unusual, just very showy and bright.

And what did Marie do all day? Such a fun job. (not) She cleaned up the inside of Sunny. This was a total pigpen, and she made it sparkle. Taking care of me is not all fun and games. She also shopped, fixed the meals, put me out and picked me up, and walked a few miles with me. Yes, I know how much I owe her.

Miles today: 16.7. Total miles so far: 3256.9.
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Lovely post today. Thank you!
That is so cool how they did the railing on that bridge.
Applause for Marie doing such a great job.
Asylum- thanks
Ann- sometimes the simplest things turn out to be interesting.
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