I confess to being somewhat confused. Yes, today is both my birthday and Easter. I've been telling everyone that it happened before, when I was a kid. But a Google search says that the last time they occurred together was 1859. I'm not quite that old! Anyway...
We had a brunch, since Om comes home hungry from the paper route. We majored in fruit with a little slab of ham and some bread.

Then we went to church. Look at this sky! Sorry about the ugly buildings, but church is downtown. However, isn't that the point? The glorious beauty pulls our focus upward, above the mundane. He is Risen!

I got some "loot."

Loretta always knows just the right things! She sent a jigsaw puzzle. It's got a capybara (the largest rodent in the world- looks like a guinea pig the size of a golden retriever. It's cuddling a regular guinea pig. Of course, you know how long I could resist that. Well, I did wait until today to start it.
She also sent a dog brush that is soft rubber and works really well (the pink thing). Ellen gave me the little notebook and pen. She noticed that I carry a set like that to make notes about trails.
Thanks for celebrating with me.
oh wow, happy birthday, and happy Easter Sharkbytes, Easter is such a meaningful and joyful time, and with added joy that is your birthday!
Happy Birthday Joan and a Joyful Easter.
Our Easter weekend was dark and wet. I'm glad you had a beautiful day. :)
Hope you have had a most wonderful birthday and are also having a marvellous Easter ............. it is glorious in England at the moment so I hope that you are experiencing some lovely weather too!
Belated wishes, Joan. Loved your pictures. Enjoy your week.
Many happy returns of this special birthday.
Happy Birthday to you. It looks like you had a perfect day.
Happy Birthday!!!!
Oh, this brings back memories of when me and my mom worked on puzzles together.
Wow! A two-for-one: Happy Birthday and Joyous Easter!
(I have a d-i-l whose birthday is the 24th.
Happy birthday, Sharkbytes! Many happy returns and God bless! :)
I didn't know, but it's on my calendar now so I won't miss it next year.
Happy belated birthday!!!
Thank you one and all for the good wishes! I had a very nice day.
I'm so glad you were born, Joan. I've learned so much from you since we met in this blogging universe. Your knowledge of nature and animal prints and flora and fauna just amazes me. I wish I had your energy and stamina. May your year be wonderful and I wish you dozens more ahead.
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