Today was the monthly hike of the Spirit of the Woods Chapter of the North Country Trail Association (trail club). We went to Silver Creek Pathway, where Ellen and I hiked in February. Ellen and I drove up together- it's a fairly good drive, and Loren came too, with her dogs. So we were three people and four dogs!
We are supposed to get rain tonight, but we haven't been getting the predicted rain all week, so things are still dry and brown. Nevertheless, there's a big difference from February.

This picture of Loren and Ellen is taken the same place as a picture of Ellen with all the snow in Ellen and Joan Go To Silver Creek
This time, we did the whole 4-mile loop. I had forgotten how pretty the east side is, with views from high banks like this one.

The day warmed to over 60 degrees, our first this year! The pines started to heat up and we could smell their clean scent against the background of the gurgling river. Chickadees, nuthatches, song sparrows, and robins sang! At Silver Creek we saw some interesting tracks in the mud:
I'm pretty sure this from a mink. Five toes, nails show, about 1.5 inches across. They are very common, but secretive. I see one or two each year.
The pileated woodpeckers were hammering on some trees in the distance, and I even saw the first butterfly of the season. Predictably, it was a mourning cloak. Last year, I saw the first one on March 22: Today- Brown, Tomorrow- Green

Finally, I just love this moss in a spot of sunlight with dry leaves around it. It's like a fire of promise for more green to come. Bring it on!
Oh yeah, I can sense some good hikes and nature pictures coming on!! :-)
Looked like a good day for a hike, I bet the dogs enjoyed it.
The 2nd photo reminded me of our Yarrow valley - we get spots like this with views overlooking the river.
Wonderful way to spend a beautiful spring day. You found quite a lot of treasures for the day as well.
"It's like a fire of promise for more green to come."- i love these words Sharkbytes, the joy of spring indeed.
I can smell the jungle.
I love it.
Looks like it was a fun hike. I love the freshness of that moss' shade of green.
Ferd- I hope so... it will be really hard for me to stay inside this next week!
Carol- nice! I hadn't pictured any steep bluffs near you.
Ann- treasures every time I turn around now, and the green hasn't even begun.
betchai- the fire is burning inside me. I want the green so badly!
rainfield- I have never smelled a jungle. I bet it is distinctive... many of our ecosystems have a certain scent.
Ivy- It just glowed!
What a lovely hike, with friends for you and friends for Maggie!
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