Ellen and I are trying to get back to our excellent adventures. She was gone a lot this winter (to India, actually!), but now she's back in the groove.
Today I'll give you the weirdness, tomorrow the nature. Here's a small piece of the map of the White River Semi-Primitive Area where we went. This is a large section of the Manistee National Forest, about five miles on a side. Its the same area where I helped with the Karner Blue Butterfly survey last summer.
First, note the star and the red line. We put the car where the star is, and walked the red line, about 5 miles. Ellen brought us each a Dove candy for dessert, and this wrapper was as good as a fortune cookie. It reads "Tempt your sense of exploration." We sure did.

Have you ever been hiking, and needed a latrine really bad? Some of us are comfortable finding a place to go in the woods, but it you aren't... well... someone has provided you with a handy trailside commode.
Don't ask me why. I'm only reporting. "Just the facts, ma'am."
You might note that the chamber pot for collections is well-aerated. I guess that prevents it from getting overfull. In case you hadn't noticed, I'm making this up as I go. But no photoshopping was involved. The latrine really was out there. (I did not check to see if it had actually been used.)

But this wasn't the weirdest. We progressed to:

What? Well, what can I say? We found the grove of killer trees. You thought that only happened in fairy tales? Maybe, but this is the era of regulated labeling, the information age, you know...

And Lin thought she lived in Weirdville. Sorry, Lin. I'm placing my bet that I've out weirded you today, sight unseen.
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