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Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Gooseberry Reroute - Day 316

  Jason and I hung together again today. We also had a nice "surprise," in that there is a brand new reroute that took two miles off the distance needed to walk to get to the same end point. Can't complain about that.
hiker on a bridge

Not all of the new trail is boardwalk, but where it was, we loved the fact that the builders didn't just make straight lines of boards through the woods.

We came across the remains of this old cabin. I'd love to know its story.
old log cabin

Late in the day we reached Wolf Rock with some stunning views.
Wolf Rock view

The leaves are beginning to come down. It's sad, but sometimes it creates little pockets of leafless beauty.
white trees

Best find of the day? Don't look if you are squeamish. A garter snake dining on a gray tree frog.
snake eating a frog

Miles today: 13.0 (plus 0.6 on a spur). Total miles so far: 3642.8.

See Split Rock


Ann said...

That boardwalk is perfect. It makes for an interesting picture as well.

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- trail structures really enhance the experience when they are interesting as well as functional