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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Sneak Peek 2- How To Hike the North Country Trail

 Now that I've collected all the raw data for the campsites, it's onward to big time editing. Here is another sample for you. This includes the Table of Contents (page numbers are nonsense... that will be fixed as the formatting happens), but you can see what's in the book, the introduction, and another sample of campsite listings.

It's not only good for you to see what this is going to be like, it's good for me to see samples in the pdf. One of my fonts is not being saved correctly to pdf, and none of the bold face type. So those issues will have to be overcome. It matters to the readability of the data.

Here you go. I want to get outside for a few minutes yet today. Gotta scoot.

Sample 2 of How to Hike the North Country Trail.

I'm pretty sure I can make the August deadline to have this available at the Celebration.

See Sneak Peek 1


Classicdan1965 said...

Personal opinion, the Table of Contents should be one or two pages. You really don't need all that detail.

Sharkbytes said...

Thanks, Dan. I'll consider it, but with no index, I'd like people to be able to find things easier.