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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Other People's Flowers

 Vendor event all day. I did well.

Walking to my car, I enjoyed other people's flowers. These are allium (in other words, an onion, but these are ornamental for the flowers)
purple garden allium

Red lupine, also a garden cultivar.
red lupine

The presentation of these was nice. White iris in front of a yellow-green tree, with the red lupine.
garden with white iris and red lupine

This garden had purple and yellow iris.
purple and yellow iris

And a stunning rhododendron bush. This was all just in two blocks!
purple rhododendron

The vendor event was very busy. Pictures of these events all look alike. Here's the food tent alley. The good news is, I'm doing great. The bad news is that I have another event next weekend, and even though I have books that will arrive this week, I'm going to run out of a couple of titles. It's always a total guessing game how much to order.
vendor event

I weeded a few minutes after I got home, but talking with people all day long is exhausting. And I'll be doing it again tomorrow. I'm probably going to crash with a book.

See What's blooming now


Ann said...

I agree that the vendor events can be exhausting. Glad to hear you did well.
Love all thos flowers.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "Those are some impressive displays of flowers all right! I would love to—"
Lulu: "We all know what you would love to do, boy dog."
Charlee: "We're happy to hear that the books are moving ― we hope you sell out more of them!"

Sharkbytes said...

Ann- I was especially beat today

Charlee- thank you. I'm working on it.