Disclaimer up front- this is not our Christmas tree! This is part of the decorations at the church where I chose to go this evening. They were having a Christmas Carol sing, and I wanted to participate.
So, let me just remind you of the origins of this blog. If you haven't read the whole thing, it's at What is My Quality Day? Briefly, the truth is that I'm not "Little Miss Sunshine." This exercise in finding something good in every day is easy sometimes, other times, not so much.
I tend to have a bad time with holidays. This year, Steve isn't coming home, and Joshua is difficult- not to mention that he's avoiding me because he owes me money. I really can't deal with a lot of holiday decorating (I always leave that to Om- who loves it), and although I like the good food, I've really cooked as much as I care to for this lifetime. OK... I'll stop now. This blog is about the positives.
Anyway, I realized that I was going to need to do some serious Quality Day work to be able to deal with this, and to be no more Scrooge-like than my reputation allows.

So, this event is part of my plan. I love to sing, even though I have a rather unreliable tenor voice. So, I went and sang! We sang for an hour. It was mostly traditional carols, but they began and ended with some wonderful Christmas songs of a general nature. As you can see, the decorations were beautiful!

Other parts of the plan that you've seen are the Polish Porcupine Balls, and the crafty creche. Ellen and I skied here the other morning, and I'm helping my friend Betty with a little project of hers. I rounded up all my Christmas CDs and set up an old player in my office. I usually don't like music while I work, but I'm GOING to be cheerful!
I have a few more arrows in the quiver for this week. Stay tuned.
No matter what, Merry Christmas to you.
That sounds like a beautiful program! I love singing Christmas carols, in spite of my lack of singing ability. It just lifts my spirit. Our Christmas Eve service is coming up and I am so looking forward to it. By all means, play that music!
I just wrote about that today--it IS hard around the holidays for too many folks. Everyday life just seems to want to stick around in spite of the lights and decorations, doesn't it? Ugh.
Hang in there, pally. Keep singing those carols and looking for the positive!
Hang in there Joan. You already know how I feel after reading the essay I wrote.
I am over to my blog being little miss sunshine to the world too, most of the time.
And trust me, my days are far from being filled with sunshine on a regular basis.
Walter is home but now he's sick. So we are behind on everything. None of our plans are working out as they should.
I can't even get my daughter up in Maine to take the time to send me a picture of their Christmas decorations.
The one down in Corpus is calling us every 5 minutes to see if we are on our way. I am grateful for her and that she is so excited but it stresses me out even more.
Well, that's enough of that from me too. Please just know you are not alone. Every year I seem to get less excited about any holiday.
Nonetheless, I hope the 2 of us have the best Christmas possible!!
Big hugs for you!
On my dark days which thankfully are few and far between now, I am always drawn to this prayer
Trials make the Promise Sweet.
Trials give new life to Prayer.
Trials bring me to HIS feet.
Lay me low and keep me there.
We are all troubled at some time and I try to leave my problems at the foot of the cross but they do tend to sneak back at times.
Enjoy the celebration of our Lord's birth Hallelujah :)
You certainly aren't alone in having a tough time with the holidays. The last several years I have absolutely dreaded them and got so ornery it wasn't even funny. I don't know if it's the expectations I've had of them or what but this year I just decided "enough" I want to enjoy them and be happy. I have no expectations at all. If it's not done, if it's not perfection, if it's not bought or baked, I don't care. I'm just letting the joy of the season rule this year :)
I'm usually a pretty negative person too, and my blog was intended for a similar reason, although not with such conscious thought. But after the first time I read why you write the blog I try to remember that lesson myself, and it hasn't been easy the last few months. I'm always glad I remember you and your blog when I begin to go on a prolonged whine on mine. I then cut that off and turn it back into a more positive direction. I feel a lot better in the end with it that way.
rainfield- and the same to you, my friend- whether you celebrate it or not, have a happy day!
Karen- We will be going to a Christmas Eve service too. Probably at that same church, although it's not the one we attend. They really make the season special.
Lin- so far, so good. Thanks!
Jackie- thanks! I'm glad you'll be with one daughter. Don't stress- just enjoy. Hope Walter is feeling better.
Carol- Thank you so much- and you have a blessed Christmas too!
Ann- that sounds like a really great plan to me.
Ratty- I wouldn't call anything you've said prolonged enough to be a whine. We like knowing how you are doing. Nature sure helps lift the cares, though, doesn't it?
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