Some of you may remember that in a contest hosted here in January, people submitted patterns for baby items, and Ivy, of Spinning Lovely Days chose the one she liked best. The winner was Ann of Ann's Snap and Edit.
But, I had laid it aside when the weather heated up... not a good plan when babies don't wait. So, Ivy, it's complete, and will be in the mail to you before the end of the week. Hope it doesn't take six weeks to get there! I think the baby is due in just about that long.

Sorry I'm not visiting as many of you as usual. The desktop is just too slow to make it all happen.
See Does Anyone Remember This Project? | |
Joan, I think that is the cutest little gift for a baby. I've never seen anything like it - nor could I make it!!
My wife used to be knitting for the bottle of our lil boy and never finished any of them.
It's been awhile since my last comment here. It's nice to be back.
That may be unique in the world of afghan crocheting! Very catchy. Nice.
I like the little face.
Ooh, that is so adorable! I really look forward to using it. Many many thanks again, Joan! :)
That is so adorable. It turned out great.
That is very good. I'm sure she'll like it.
Carmen- it turned out to be really easy- but very small. I need to get it there for when the baby is little
borris- yes! welcome back- I think your little guy just turned one, right?
vanilla- not unique at all- it's a pattern we found on line
rainfield- yes, with something like this you have to get the face right, or it doesn't work
Ivy- you are very welcome! I won't gift wrap anything in case customs decides to open the package.
Ann- It has some issues where the pattern wasn't so great, but it's ok
Ratty- it was fun to do.
@Joan: He is now 1 year and 2 weeks old. And I am overwhelmed with his being so active. I think I will have a lower back pain any time soon. I cannot keep up with him but he is such an adorable lil boy.
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