Taken from my deck. How easy is that? (I did go out in bare feet, so I suffered for you. haha) There was a light frost on everything, and the sunrise light spilled over it all.

Here's the best one, framed by the deck posts.

It snowed on my TrainStation game world. Stay tuned.
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Well thanks for suffering for all of us!
That IS pretty.
I took a picture of the trees covered in frozen fog this morning.
Great pictures! Almost makes Winter seem nice...
Morning has broken, and all the pink stuff came out.
very pretty. what a nice way to start the day
I am pleased it's not as cold here in the UK, it's grey and damp instead, but I do miss the crisp bright sun rises I used to see when I lived in Indiana.
Today I got to work at 8am and it was still dark, so I missed the sunrise. It will also be dark when I leave work at 5pm, but at least from now on the days will be getting longer, and soon I will be able to see them again.
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