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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Fast Waterfall Tour

I'll give you the blazing fast rest of our waterfall tour in New York, because there are other things I want to share as well, and the days continue here, adding new fun too.

I've shown you all of these falls before. They are all places very much a part of my geographic DNA, so I love seeing them in any phase of wetness. Here is Taughannock, the highest at 215 feet. It had very little water, but hey, I've seen it with none at all occasionally.

Taughannock Falls

The upper falls on the same creek is interesting because we couldn't see it when I was a kid. The vantage point was an active rail line at that time. Actually, less water on this one means that you can see the shape of the rocks that make it a spiraled chute.

Upper Taughannock Falls

Buttermilk Falls couldn't even display the reason for it's name, it was so dry. Just one thin stream of water trickled down the face and continued in a twisted reflection in the pool. Compare this to a more normal flow at Buttermilk Falls in 2010

Buttermilk Falls

And by an odd fluke of weather, the watershed upstream from Ithaca Falls, east of Ithaca along Fall Creek, received rain the night before. That falls was near normal flow, and it was beautiful.

Ithaca Falls

See other views of Taughannock Falls and Ithaca Falls.

You could visit these places every single day and see different things.

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vanilla said...

I Love waterfalls. Have not seen one in a long time. Thanks for these!

Secondary Roads said...

Very idyllic images of pleasant places, enchanting the eyes. Thanks

Ann said...

love seeing waterfalls. Beautiful scenery. That last one is quite nice

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay buttermilk falls!!! dada sez he yoozed to go their bak in the day!!! i am not shoor wot day this wuz but it must hav ben a while ago!!! we do not hav waterfalls like this in the mithikal land of kalifornya on akkownt of all owr surfiss water seems to have evaporayted!!! ok bye