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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Lincoln River- Where it Ends

I took these pictures a few days ago. You can't see these views just any old time. This is within the private community where I get to occasionally go, doing my job. Since I've recently been able to show some views of Lincoln Lake from a different place inside there, it seems fitting to bring you the mouth of the river, where it empties into Lake Michigan.

Lincoln River

Looking back upstream from the same place this is the view. These are on the short section between Lincoln Lake and Lake Michigan.

Lincoln River

Working upstream, you can go to Lincoln Lake from Above
Lincoln Lake
Then there's a missing piece I need to explore.
Finally North Branch Lincoln River

Spent most of today with GayLynne and Paula. Church, lunch, visiting. Nice time!

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Rick (Ratty) said...

The good thing about pictures is that we all get to see this place now.

Ann said...

I think I could get used to living there. What a peaceful looking place

Secondary Roads said...

That view looking toward the big lake is fabulously blue. Love it!