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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Salmon Creek Falls

The weekend was awesome! There's no way you are going to see all the pictures or even an orderly assortment of the ones I took. Here are some hit and miss. Loretta is visiting for a couple of weeks now, too, so there are current things I could be showing too.

The trail conference was near Cortland, NY. I didn't have time or power or wifi to blog while there. Anyway.

I did see a waterfall that I'd never seen before. There are SO many in the area, that's not a huge surprise. This is Salmon Creek Falls, on the east side of Cayuga Lake, and we rarely went over there when I was a kid.

The other thing is that they've had a very dry summer, so most of the falls had very little water. Of course, that means you can see the rocks! Here's the long view.

Salmon Creek Falls

One truly odd thing about this falls is that the creek does several switchbacks and the falls faces away from Cayuga Lake. I realized it was headed the wrong way while we were taking pictures and had to look at a map to figure that out. Here's a closer view of some of the rock layers.

Salmon Creek Falls

When there is more water in the creek the falls covers the whole expanse. Even so, it was interesting, and there was a nice little rainbow.

Salmon Creek Falls

This is in the village of Ludlowville, New York. It was founded in 1791, and there was an inn, a grist mill and a tavern beside the falls.

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Secondary Roads said...

That is so neat. Nice story to go along.

Lin said...

Really beautiful!