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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Howe Lake

Here's a little lake near Luther, Michigan. It's really not much more than a pond. Howe Lake. But the road curves around it and there always seems to be something pretty to see when I drive by, so I have to stop to take pictures.

Howe Lake

The first hints of autumn color are beginning. Seems a little later than usual, but we haven't been too dry. That keeps things green.

Howe Lake

Details always grab my eye. The cornflower blue of the water really had my attention.

water lilies

And a reflected sunken log turned into chevrons defining the edge of another reflection.

reflected log

Howe Lake showed up once before, in the last photo of My Favorite Sandwiches.

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Ann said...

Pretty spot. This little lake has proven that you don't have to big to be impressive

Secondary Roads said...

Bee you tee full.