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Friday, September 18, 2015

Kicking Back - Awesome Day!

Got to spend the day with Loretta, Paula and GayLynne. After a leisurely morning, we headed out for a couple hours of kayaking. Relaxed!


Loretta and Paula exhibit good form. We paddled downstream on the Pentwater River into Pentwater Lake and around to a landing near the house.



Back at the house, Loretta and I had to check out Paula's zipline, built for the grandkids. But that doesn't mean we can't enjoy it too!



Ending the day with pizza!

Of course, now I have to go to work very soon, but what an awesome day!

See Trail Work Day
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Ann said...

That zip line sure does look like fun. It sure does sound like a fun day too bad you have to go to work.

vanilla said...

It's a good thing that there is no such thing as having too much fun; you certainly have a lot of it!

Secondary Roads said...

How can you have more joyful fun than that?

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay that luks like a verry plezzant verry relaksing verry omg pizza!!!! pizza!!!! is their enny left??? kan i hav sum??? pizza!!!!!!!!! ok bye