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Thursday, April 19, 2018

Anything But White!

Today was one of those days where many many little things didn't go so well. One of which was not getting home from work till almost 5 pm. But this blog is about the good things.

So, hey! The snow is actually and finally melting bigtime.

It was warm enough and golden-lit enough that the birds came out at sunset and tried to do a little singing. Here's a robin. Nothing spectacular, but I'll take it!

robin in a mulberry tree

And the cloud cover lifted a bit too, allowing us to have a nice pastel sunset.

pale orange sunset

Two more work shifts and I'm done! Can you believe that? Have I actually announced this here? I can't seem to find that I did. I'm officially going to be a writer, and no more wrestling bundles of papers around. Leaving Monday on a trip. SO much to do before then...

In other news: I didn't accomplish a single thing after I got home, and I'm going to bed early. So there.

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Lin said...

Hooray! That is GREAT news--a new (continued?) career! That is such happy news. How nice that you can leave the hard work behind and be a full-time writer. I'm so excited for you.

Rick (Ratty) said...

I'm glad your physical work difficulty is over. Writing is more mentally difficult than that though, but it's such a good difficult.

Ann said...

What a great feeling to know you only have 2 more work shifts. I would be doing a serious happy dance over that one.

Secondary Roads said...

So glad that the long-awaited day is close at hand. Sylvia and I are very happy to see you reach that goal.