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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

April Handbells

Sunday we played handbells, but I hadn't had a chance yet to process the videos. Here we go!

First is This Is My Father's World. It's one of my favorite hymns. It would be better if there wasn't someone talking near the camera for half the song, but- sigh- I can't seem to make the world acquiesce to my wishes.

Second, we played a rather complex medley called Reflections of Peace. You should be able to hear themes from It Is Well With My Soul, Peace Like a River and Dona, Nobis, Pacem in it.

I like sharing these with you, but sorry it took a while. The actual editing to trim the ends and add a title goes really fast, but it takes quite a bit of time to convert the files from the format my camera records. Then the software creates a working file- more time. Then it takes time to save a good copy, and more time to upload to YouTube. I can do other things during all this wait time, but I do have to have the time to let all these pieces do their thing.

In other news: work, delivered books, knitting, a little writing.

See March Handbells
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Rick (Ratty) said...

The videos were both fun. I'm glad you shared them. I wonder if I can find this kind of music on one of the streaming services. I kind of like it. I've done that kind of search before and found some good stuff.

Ann Thompson said...

I found the wait to just upload a video to YouTube a bit frustrating. I always enjoy hearing your handball videos