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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Cookies and Cream (Sort of)


Lots of cookies to say thank you to my workmates on Wednesday. Yes, they are good. I tested. (One more piece of this project to do yet.)


Other than that, ugly weather- but it's the color of cream. Snow, hail, ice. Still waiting for spring. I guess the good news is that the fruit trees aren't blooming too soon. Maybe it will be a great fruit year!

snowy road

Last week at work coming up- don't expect me to cry. haha

Handbells this morning. Maybe videos tomorrow. Didn't get them processed yet.

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Ann said...

The cookies look good. I saw snow in the forecast for today. I'm hoping they are wrong. I've had enough of it.

Secondary Roads said...

Ice still clinging to some of the trees here and the roads are slushy.