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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

That's a Wrap (or 64)

My big project of today was making sandwich wraps to go with the cookies I made on Sunday. Tomorrow is the day I'm saying "thanks for the memories" to all the folks at work. This isn't enough to fill everyone up, but hopefully a few people will bring something else.

sandwich wraps

By the time I finished I made 7 different kinds. I'll cut them in smaller pieces tomorrow when they are served.

sandwich wraps

The first ones look like they have more stuff, but the wraps were smaller. I couldn't get whole wheat in the big size.

sandwich wraps

And here's the whole pile, cookies and wraps. Believe it or not, I got all the wraps in the fridge without having to leave out other things. That's a major victory with this smaller refrigerator.

sandwich wraps and cookies in plastic tubs

Now I just have to wash some trays to take and the dishes. Omer's going to help me put it all out and cut them into smaller pieces at the right time.

In other news: handbell practice, license tab for car, picked up the cases of books from UPS. That's all except for 64 wraps which included two trips to the store.

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Ann said...

That's a lot of wraps. They look good.

Lin said...

Are you leaving your job?

That looks like a LOT of work...but I am sure it will be well appreciated.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow i did not no yoo wer a wrapper!!! do yoo no the woo tang clan??? i think they ar dogs wot wrap!!! do yoo no snoop dogg??? i think he is another dog wot wraps!!! do yoo no -- wot??? oh dada sez this is a diffrent kind of wrapping and that nun of those wrappers i menshun do that kind of wrapping and also they ar not dogs so ummmm never mind i gess!!! by the way those sandwitches luk delishus!!! ok bye