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Sunday, April 22, 2018

On the Move

I think this big fellow was on the move in search of love, which is not my motive! Nevertheless, I'll be heading out tomorrow. I hope to be able to blog while on the road, but if it doesn't happen, I haven't forgotten you... just having trouble with finding electric or access. Southern Ohio can be spotty.

wild turkey

The car is cleaned and the books are packed- the important stuff, right? I have a ton of books with me, but I'd rather have too many than run out. The gear is still strewn all over the living room, but it will go in the car in the morning.

packed car

There are still too many things on my TO DO list, but I'm whittling it down.

Spring may actually be making an appearance. I dried clothes outside and found a couple of rock garden remnants giving it the old college try. I'm sad at how pathetic the rock garden is now, but I'd rather travel. I'll enjoy other people's pretty gardens.

miniature daffodill


Tomorrow night, I'll be at Ester's! Let the fun begin. I'm not sure how much writing will happen over the next two weeks, but I worked really hard from January through April, so I'm not setting any production goals till I get home. This trip is about having a good time and selling books.

See Turkey!
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Ann said...

Have a good time and sell lots of books.

Secondary Roads said...

Nice shot of the turkey. Here's wishing you all success on your trip.