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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Not a Day Over 70

OK, tomorrow, I'll be a day over 70, not today yet, haha. Ester is a few days and a few years behind me. Mr. Bullfrog popped up to wish us the best. I wonder if it's the exact same frog I showed you last year from this pond.


Ester and I went to celebrate at her favorite restaurant. You've been there with us before. It's called Riverlake Inn.

Riverlake Inn

Really fancy food. Ester had rack of lamb

rack of lamb at Riverlake Inn

I had the French Cut pork chop. Both of us brought about half our food home for tomorrow.

French cut pork chop at Riverlake Inn

Afterwards we walked their bluebird trail. It's always been too wet when we were there together before. Saw quite a few birds (no bluebirds), but didn't get decent pictures. On the way home we saw a herd of about 20 deer and a sandhill crane. Also a shrub that I couldn't ID from the seed pods, so there's a mystery for another day.

We had a great time. It's fun to celebrate a birthday with someone else.


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John Sealander said...

Happy Birthday Joan. I'll be 70 soon too...

Ann said...

Since I'm reading this a day late, you are now a day over but you would never know by looking at you...lol
Looks like you and Ester had a great day and a good celebration.

Secondary Roads said...

I wanted to write you a beautiful poem to wish you the best on your birthday.
Though I searched for a rhyme,
For a very long time,
Despite my best wishes to find the right words and put them in verbs, I found that I could in no way.

[Any similarity between the above and real poetry is purely coincidental.]

Lin said...

Nothing says Happy Birthday like a bullfrog sighting! Happy Birthday, Joan! You have so many good things happening these days--WOW!

vanilla said...

Your eighth decade seems to be going very nicely so far!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay happy belayted birthday to yoo!!! menny happy reeterns!!! ok bye