I was going to show you several pictures of today's snow. It came down in big, fluffy flakes all day, dampening every sound and shape. Temperatures are in the single digits, but very little wind, so it wasn't nasty outside.
But something has also slowed our internet connection to a miserable crawl tonight. I'm having trouble even visiting my "regular" blogs. So I'll just load one picture for today... the view out the kitchen window. I always think it's interesting how the snow makes polka dots on the screen.
Hopefully tomorrow it won't be such a hassle to play online.
Prepare for more SNOW!
Though the world outside looks interesting and beautiful, but I rather prefer to stay indoor.
Love the snow...from inside.
Lin is great...isn't she?:)
sounds like you have about the same kind of weather as us, except we have the wind to go with it.
I didn't realize that there were snow days and delays for the internet...lol
The snow looks delightful to me. But we've not been to the "snow" in ages. Hope your work is going well and you get some cross country skiing in too!
I take that as a sign to go chill on the couch with the kitties. Sometimes it's just better to give up trying to navigate the internet
When I was younger I quite enjoyed the snow. It always appeared to blow into drifts and many times it piled up against the back or front door and required a good digging to get out. 'Fingers crossed' I have not seen this type of snow at least locally for many years but I do not like the cold, the draught and the inconvenience trying to shop in it, handle washing, etc so for all the white of the Winter, I for one will welcome the Spring and the bright sunshine days and the yellow daffodils!
wonder what caused the internet delay? could it also be the snowstrom? in thePhilippines though, it is very common, whenever we have rainstorm, the telephone signal gets worse, and the internet is lost :(
It wouldn't be so bad being snowed in but, with no internet, I'd really be stir crazy. Of course, there is always a good book to read while you're snuggled under a warm blanket
rainfield- I would LOVE to see you playing in the snow. You would find things to like.
Jean- you Southern ladies!
Julia- yes... you can travel to find it. we just wait for it.
Lin- yeah, I had to give up- things just wouldn't load
Polly- Sorry you don't like it (but I'm in a vast minority of winter lovers here too!)
betchai- our phone used to go out whenever it rained, but now, I don't think there's any connection. It was strange, though.
Carmen- I would miss the computer too... but books, crafts... I could manage.
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